Category: General

  • Wes Anderson-ish Save the Date

    If you have the skills and time to make a video like this, it’s free to email the link to your friends and family!

  • Sneeky Peeky

    We went to a gorgeous wedding in Cambria last weekend. There was amazing food, a beautiful, twinkling outdoor venue and endless champagne. I’m working on a post about how this couple threw this lovely wedding for about….shhhhh….$5,000!

  • Introductions…

    Hello! I’m a 29 year old, Los Angeles based new wife, with lots of free time. I’m writing this blog for a different kind of DIY bride. For a bride that’s not so twee, and much more chic. There’s nothing wrong with beige preciousness, I just think there’s MORE right with magnetic glamour. I hated,…